
You can also find my articles on my Google Scholar profile.
  1. Sturm–Liouville theory inspired method to solve the Modified Gaussian Renormalized Fluctuation theory for electrolytes
    Nikhil R. Agrawal, Carlo Carraro, and Rui Wang, in preparation.

  2. Understanding long-range opposite-charge repulsion in multivalent salt solutions
    Nikhil R. Agrawal, Carlo Carraro, and Rui Wang, under review, arXiv:2408.15520.

  3. Electrostatic correlation augmented self-consistent field theory and its application to polyelectrolyte brushes
    Chao Duan, Nikhil R. Agrawal, and Rui Wang, under review, arXiv:2404.09103.

  4. Nature of overcharging and charge inversion in electrical double layers
    Nikhil R. Agrawal, Chao Duan, and Rui Wang, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2024, 128, 1, 303–311.

  5. Ion correlation-driven like-charge attraction in multivalent salt solutions
    Nikhil R. Agrawal, Ravtej Kaur, Carlo Carraro, and Rui Wang, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2023, 159, 244905.

  6. Non-monotonic salt concentration dependence of inverted electrokinetic flow
    Nikhil R. Agrawal and Rui Wang, AIChE Journal, e18269, 2023.

  7. Self-consistent description of vapor-liquid interface in ionic fluids
    Nikhil R. Agrawal and Rui Wang, Physical Review Letters, 2022, 129, 228001.

  8. Electrostatic correlation induced ion condensation and charge inversion in multivalent electrolytes
    Nikhil R. Agrawal and Rui Wang, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 2022, 18, 6271-6280.
    [doi] [arXiv]

  9. A first-order segregation phenomenon in fluid-immersed granular systems
    Prapanch Nair, LAT Cisneros, CRK Windows-Yule, Nikhil R. Agrawal, Shantanu Roy, and Thorsten Poeschel.Powder Technology, 2020, 373, 357-361.

  10. Isotropy of sphere packings in a cylindrical confinement
    Nikhil R. Agrawal, Prapanch Nair, Thorsten Poeschel and Shantanu Roy, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 377, 119820.